
ISO GPS 几何公差

  • ISO
  • GPS
  • 尺寸基准

结合实际产品及客户图纸理解ISO GPS在企业规范设计方法、降低产品成本的高级设计方法。...



     华汽睿达(北京)技术培训中心企业定制课程“ 汽车ISO GPS 几何公差”      

    讲解ISO GPS的基准构成体系,解析设计过程中ISO GPS的标准应用,讲解ISO GPS相关标准的难点应用。结合实际产品及客户图纸理解ISO GPS在企业规范设计方法、降低产品成本的高级设计方法。

华汽睿达汽车ISO GPS几何公差


ISO 8015:2011

ISO GPS应用的基本概念、法则和条例,以及图纸有效性


1) 术语解释

2) 图纸的基本默认要求

· 功能公差与公差定义的关系

· 产品的功能公差与公差的定义关系

3) 基本原则

4) 默认要求条例


ISO 5459:2011

ISO 2692

Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Geometrical tolerancing — Datums and datum systems

· 基准系统的术语、定义、法则和方法。

· ISO 17450-2补充规定的基准建立要求和验证方法,ISO 2692规定基准的材料要求原则。

平面基准系统的建立The Datum System (Planar Datums)

· 基准定义、基准的选择方法Datums, benefits, basis for datum selection

· 基准系统、基准特征、模拟基准Datum, datum-system, datum feature, simulated datum feature

· 基准符号、共面基准、三平面基准系统Datum letter frame, datum from coplanar features, three-plane datum system

· 基准的优先顺序Effect of datum sequence


基准目标要求Datum Target Specifications

· 应用方法Usage

· 基准目标点、线、面符号Datum target frame, datum target point, datum target line, area, and symbols

· 如何建立基准目标Establishing datums from targets, specifying targets

尺寸基准的要求Size Datum Specifications

· 尺寸基准特征、圆柱面基准特征Size datum features, specifying size datum from a cylinder

· 共轴圆柱面基准Coaxial cylinders

· 尺寸公差、球和圆元素建立基准Width, sphere, circular element

· MMRLMRRFS修正的基准特征的解释及应用Rules for MMR, LMR, and RFS for datum features,

· 共轴、中间点和阵列特征的基准Common axis, median center point, group of features as a datum

· 尺寸基准特征要求Specifying size datums

· 螺纹和齿轮基准特征Threads and gears as datum features

 ISO 1101

Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS)  Geometrical Tolerancing  Tolerances of form, orientation, location, and run-out


GPS与特征控制GPS and Domains of Features

· GPS的介绍及掌握方法GPS master plan

· 几何公差控制的三个特性Three domains of a geometrical feature

· 定义:特征、独立特征、名义值、实际值、实物特征、实物中心线、实物中心面、辅助特征Definitions: feature, integral feature, nominal, real, derived feature, extracted median line, extracted median surface, associated feature, extracted feature

几何公差修正符号Geometrical Tolerancing Modifiers and Symbols

· 四种类型的几何公差Four types of geometrical tolerancing

· 几何公差的相互关系Interrelationship of geometrical tolerances

· 公差带Nine common tolerance zones

· 符号Common symbols and modifiers

· 理论尺寸TEDs

· 公差的应用惯例Tolerance frame conventions

线性尺寸公差和应用条件Linear Size and Size Conditions

· 特征尺寸及线性公差Size, feature of size, linear tolerance

· MMC / MMS, LMC / LMS, RFS & RFS rules

独立包容原则Independency and Envelope Principles

· 独立原则Independency principle

· 包容原则Envelope principle

· 如何确定独立和包容原则的应用When to use, how to determine which applies

关键几何公差Key Geometrical Tolerancing Concepts


· MMVS & LMVS calculations

· RPR要求Reciprocity requirement. RPR Rules

· 综合要求Collective requirements,

· 边界类型Boundary types

平面度公差Flatness Tolerance

· 公差带及测量方法Tolerance zone, usage

· 包容和独立原则的应用Effect of envelope and independency principles

· 最大边界的计算及应用实例Calculating extreme boundary, modifiers, drawing examples

· 非直接的平面度要求Indirect flatness tolerances

直线度公差Straightness Tolerance

· 公差带及测量方法Tolerance zone, usage

· 独立原则及包容原则条件的解释Effect of envelope and independency principles

· 计算最大、最小边界,图纸实例解释Calculating extreme boundary, drawing examples

· MMVC的直线度计算方法Straightness MMVC

· 非直接直线度公差定义Indirect straightness tolerances

圆度公差Roundness Tolerance

· 公差带及测量方法Tolerance zone, usage,

· 独立原则及包容原则条件的解释Effect of envelope and independency principles

· 计算最大、最小边界,图纸实例解释Calculating extreme boundary, drawing examples

· 非直接圆度公差定义Indirect roundness tolerances

垂直度公差Perpendicularity Tolerance

· 公差带及测量方法Tolerance zone, usage,

· 垂直度公差应用Applications to integral & derived features

· RFS定义下的特征最大、最小边界Calculating extreme boundary (RFS)

· MMVC应用及计算Perpendicularity MMVC, applied to groups at MMVC

· 非直接垂直度公差定义Indirect perpendicularity tolerances

倾斜度公差Angularity Tolerance

· 公差带及测量方法Tolerance zone, usage

· 倾斜度公差应用Applications to integral & derived features

· MMVC应用及计算Angularity MMVC

· 非直接倾斜度公差定义Indirect angularity tolerances

位置公差Position Tolerance

· 要求Requirements

· TED意义Implied TED

· 公差带Tolerance zones

· 高级位置度公差应用Advantages, common applications

· MMR / LMR / RPR / RFS, where to use

· 面和尺寸公差Surface and size application

Run-Out Tolerances

· Three methods of establishing a datum axis

· Tolerance zones, usage

· Effect of envelope and independency principles

· Deviations affected by circular and total run-out

· Extreme boundary

· Indirect run-out tolerances, summary

Profile Tolerances

· Tolerance zones and extents

· Uses for profile any surface

· Drawing applications

· Multiple single-segment tolerancing

· Indirect profile any surface tolerances

· Uses for profile any line, indirect profile any line tolerances

· Drawing applications, summary

· Explain the structure of GPS and the domains of features

· Recognize the symbols used in geometrical tolerancing

· Describe linear size and size conditions

· Explain the principle of independency and the envelope requirement  

· Explain geometrical tolerancing concepts: MMR, LMR, RPR, virtual conditions, and collective requirements

· Describe the datum system (planar datums)

· Interpret datum target and size datum specifications

· Interpret the flatness, straightness, roundness, , perpendicularity, and angularity tolerances

· Explain the fundamental concepts of position tolerances

· Interpret the circular and total run-out tolerances

· Interpret the profile any surface and profile any line tolerances




GPS与特征GPS and Domains of Features

· GPS master plan

· Three domains of a geometrical feature

· Definitions: feature, integral feature, nominal, real, derived feature, extracted median line, extracted median surface, associated feature, extracted feature

Geometrical Tolerancing Modifiers and Symbols

· Four types of geometrical tolerancing

· Interrelationship of geometrical tolerances

· Nine common tolerance zones

· Common symbols and modifiers

· TEDs

· Tolerance frame conventions

Linear Size and Size Conditions

· Size, feature of size, linear tolerance

· MMC / MMS, LMC / LMS, RFS & RFS rules

Independency and Envelope Principles

· Independency principle

· Envelope principle

· When to use, how to determine which applies

Key Geometrical Tolerancing Concepts


· MMVS & LMVS calculations

· Reciprocity requirement. RPR Rules

· Collective requirements,

· Boundary types

The Datum System (Planar Datums)

· Datums, benefits, basis for datum selection

· Datum, datum-system, datum feature, simulated datum feature

· Datum letter frame, datum from coplanar features, three-plane datum system

· Effect of datum sequence

Datum Target Specifications

· Usage

· Datum target frame, datum target point, datum target line, area, and symbols

· Establishing datums from targets, specifying targets

Size Datum Specifications

· Size datum features, specifying size datum from a cylinder

· Coaxial cylinders

· Width, sphere, circular element

· Rules for MMR, LMR, and RFS for datum features,

· Common axis, median center point, group of features as a datum

· Specifying size datums

· Threads and gears as datum features

Flatness Tolerance

· Tolerance zone, usage

· Effect of envelope and independency principles

· Calculating extreme boundary, modifiers, drawing examples

· Indirect flatness tolerances

Straightness Tolerance

· Tolerance zone, usage

· Effect of envelope and independency principles

· Calculating extreme boundary, drawing examples

· Straightness MMVC

· Indirect straightness tolerances

Roundness Tolerance

· Tolerance zone, usage,

· Effect of envelope and independency principles

· Calculating extreme boundary, drawing examples

· Indirect roundness tolerances

Perpendicularity Tolerance

· Tolerance zone, usage,

· Applications to integral & derived features

· Calculating extreme boundary (RFS)

· Perpendicularity MMVC, applied to groups at MMVC

· Indirect perpendicularity tolerances

Angularity Tolerance

· Tolerance zone, usage

· Applications to integral & derived features

· Angularity MMVC

· Indirect angularity tolerances

Position Tolerance

· Requirements

· Implied TED

· Tolerance zones

· Advantages, common applications

· MMR / LMR / RPR / RFS, where to use

· Surface and size application

Run-Out Tolerances

· Three methods of establishing a datum axis

· Tolerance zones, usage

· Effect of envelope and independency principles

· Deviations affected by circular and total run-out

· Extreme boundary

· Indirect run-out tolerances, summary

Profile Tolerances

· Tolerance zones and extents

· Uses for profile any surface

· Drawing applications

· Multiple single-segment tolerancing

· Indirect profile any surface tolerances

· Uses for profile any line, indirect profile any line tolerances

· Drawing applications, summary

Course summary, final learning assessment 




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